【第1句】:一言說出,難以收回。A word spoken cannot be recalled.
【第2句】:奶水泡出懦弱漢。Milk bubble out weak man.
【第3句】:益友難得。A good friend is seldom found.
【第4句】:欺騙決非正當事。Cheating is never proper.
【第5句】:文能勝武。The sword is better than the sword.
【第6句】:既能享樂也能吃苦。Take the rough with the smooth.
【第7句】:雨雪不調,五谷價高。If the rain and snow do not adjust, grain prices are high.
【第8句】:智者嘴在心里,蠢人心在嘴上。Wise men have their mouths in their hearts, fools their hearts in their mouths.
【第9句】:旅行者最需要的是幾種語言。What the traveller needs most is several languages.
【第10句】:鋌而走險。Desperate measures are taken.
【第11句】:窮得光榮,勝過富得可恥。Better poor with honour than rich with shame.
【第12句】:人各有所好。Every man has his hobbyhorse.
【第13句】:最大的錯誤就是不認識錯誤。The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.
【第14句】:(fromStrangerbytheRiver)如果你渴望愛情,你需意識到得到愛的唯一方法就是付出愛,你付出的越多,得到的就越多。If you long for love, you need to realize that the only way to get love is to give love, the more you give, the more you get.
【第15句】:養虎貽患。Bring up a mussel.
【第16句】:遠水救不了近火。Far water does not put out near fire.
【第17句】:每一羊群里都會有一只黑羊,丑兒子家家有(意指:每個家里都會有個敗家子。)There is a black sheep in every flock, and every family has an ugly son.
【第18句】:不勞則無獲,共難才得福,有榮必有辱,無苦即無樂。No pain, no gain; no pain, no gain; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.
【第19句】:幫忙不及時,等于不幫忙。He that helps not in time helps not.
【第20句】:黃金并非萬能。Gold will not buy anything.
【第21句】:一知半解,自欺欺人。A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
【第22句】:有其因必有其果。Every bean has its black.
【第23句】:自由就是做法律許可做的事情的權力。Liberty is the power of doing that which is permitted by law.
【第24句】:事已無法可救,只得耐心忍受。What can't be saved must be endured.
【第25句】:清水未打來,贓水莫倒掉。Cast not out the foul water till you have fresh water.
【第26句】:少女應溫良謙恭,敏于聽而慎于言。Maidens should be mild and meek, swift to hear and slow to speak.
【第27句】:我們要推動工作,不要讓工作推動我們。We must push our work, not let it push us.
【第28句】:坐井觀天。A narrow view of the world.
【第29句】:聰明人的手不做愚笨人所說的事。The wise man's hand doth not all that the foolish man speaks.
【第30句】:智者裹足不前,愚者鋌而走險。Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
【第31句】:為人只顧自己事,就無時間關心人。He that thinks only of his own business has no time to think of others.
【第32句】:月亮豈怕狗來吠。The moon does not fear the barking of dogs.
【第33句】:自己生活,也要讓他人生活。Live and let live.
【第34句】:魔鬼乘虛而入,開門攆它不出。The devil may get in by the keyhole, but the door won't let him out.
【第35句】:事過境遷。Things have changed.
【第36句】:合法得來一個錢,勝過非法錢一千。One penny with right is better than a thousand without right.
【第37句】:節約等于收入。Saving is getting.
【第38句】:公平交易并非強行奪取。A fair deal is not a forcible seizure.
【第39句】:事竟成,才聲張。What is done is done.
【第40句】:少許愿,多做事。Promise little, but do much.
【第41句】:干了一次壞事的人會再干第二次。He who has done ill once will do it again.
【第42句】:如果想做成點事,就得付出代價一干。If you want something done, you must pay the price.
【第43句】:好的名望勝于好的相貌。A good fame is better than a good face.
【第44句】:直言不諱。Call a spade a spade.
【第45句】:不要忘記你是一個人。Don't forget you are a person.
【第46句】:聰明人循理智辦事,平常人照經驗辦事,蠢人按需要辦事,畜生憑本能辦事。Wise men act by reason; ordinary men by experience; fools by necessity; brutes by instinct.
【第47句】:朋友宣揚人的美德,敵人夸大人的罪過。A friend exaggerates a man's virtue, an enemy his crimes.
【第48句】:智者不恥于改變初衷。A wise man is not ashamed of changing his mind.
【第49句】:看破生死者,大多會成功。Most who see through life and death succeed.
【第50句】:人無知猶如房屋無基。A man without knowledge is like a house without foundation.
【第51句】:失去美名易,得到美名難。A good name is easier lost than won.
【第52句】:如不相互尊重,愛情就難發展。Love cannot develop without mutual respect.
【第53句】:心頭的痛苦比肉體的痛苦更厲害。The pain of the heart is worse than the pain of the body.
【第54句】:說得容易,做得難。Easier said than done.
【第55句】:懷疑乃知識的鑰匙。Doubt is the key to knowledge.
【第56句】:沒有知識,才是貧窮。Without knowledge is poverty.
【第57句】:壺小水易熱。A little pot is soon hot.
【第58句】:恩將仇報。Bite the hand that feeds one.
【第59句】:有時大得即大失。Sometimes a great gain is a great loss.
【第60句】:省小錢才能積大財。A penny saved is a penny earned.
【第61句】:成雙并非皆配偶。Every couple is not a pair.
【第62句】:劣工咎器。A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
【第63句】:能有自知之明就是真正的進步。To know oneself is true progress.
【第64句】:創業不易,守業更難。Business is hard, but keeping is harder.
【第65句】:如果你是膽小鬼,你就是自己最大的敵人;如果你是勇敢者,你就是自己最好的朋友。If you are a coward, you are your own worst enemy. If you are brave, you are your best friend.
【第66句】:往事不重提。Let bygones be bygones.
【第67句】:愛情與仇恨同樣是盲目的。Hatred is blind as well as love.
【第68句】:禮貌不須什么代價。Politeness costs nothing.
【第69句】:常用的鑰匙總是光亮的。The used key is always bright.
【第70句】:殺人終必敗露。Murder will out.
【第71句】:深知底蘊,不以為怪。I am not surprised to know the details.
【第72句】:聽天由命。Let fate take its course.
【第73句】:眼痛總比瞎眼好。Better eye sore than blind.
【第74句】:手里有錢財,不如胸中有文才。Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.
【第75句】:天下無難事。Nothing is difficult to the man under heaven.
【第76句】:一條活狗勝過一頭死獅。A living dog is better than a dead lion.
【第77句】:由一斑可知全貌。You may know by a handful the whole sack.
【第78句】:疾病能夠感覺到,健康全然不知曉。Sickness is felt, health not at all.
【第79句】:負債總比死亡強。Better to be in debt than dead.
【第80句】:取悅各方,談何容易。Pleasing all sides is not easy.
【第81句】:心靈不在它生活的地方,而在它所愛的地方。The mind is not where it lives, but where it loves.
【第82句】:說好話的不一定都是朋友。All are not friends that speak us fair.
【第83句】:愛情莫不忌妒。Love is never without jealousy.
【第84句】:傻子有傻福。Fortune favours fools.
【第85句】:萬事不能一蹴而就。An oak is not felled at one stroke.
【第86句】:起身不早,一天的工作難做好。He that does not rise early never does a good day's work.
【第87句】:青年人向前看,老年人向后看。Young men look forward, old men backward.
【第88句】:狼的生就是羔羊的死。The life of a Wolf is the death of a lamb.
【第89句】:為人一生一件蠢事也不做,但要聽到上百遍蠢事。One cannot do a foolish thing once in one's life, but one must hear of it a hundred times.
【第90句】:還沒受苦,就別叫苦。Don't cry before you suffer.
【第91句】:若照習慣辦,萬事皆不難。Custom makes all things easy.
【第92句】:大腹便便,頭腦空虛。"Big belly, empty head."
【第93句】:貧富不相知。Rich and poor never know each other.
【第94句】:盤中小魚勝無魚。Better a little fish than no fish in a dish.
【第95句】:晚霞紅如火,曉色青如灰,定是晴朗天。An evening red and a morning grey, is a sign of a fair day.
【第96句】:是上無天才,勤學加苦練。There is no such thing as genius.
【第97句】:小時學會的事情到老不會忘記。What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.
【第98句】:信譽像鏡子,破碎無法補。Credit like a mirror, broken can not be repaired.
【第99句】:又要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草。It is better to be a good horse than a bad one.