【第1句】:不回答也是一種回答。No answer is also an answer.
【第2句】:精通一事勝于會十事。Better master one than engage with ten.
【第3句】:勿孤注一擲。Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
【第4句】:希望會產(chǎn)生,永遠(yuǎn)無窮盡。Hope springs eternal.
【第5句】:蠢人裝聰明,實在最可憐。Fools are most miserable when they pretend to be wise.
【第6句】:你若想與人成仇結(jié)怨,只要借錢給人再催還。If you would make an enemy, lend a man money and ask it of him again.
【第7句】:浪費招致窮困。Waste begets poverty.
【第8句】:錢多毀青年。Abundance of money ruins youth.
【第9句】:財富如帶憂郁來,有了財富有何用?What is wealth good for, if it brings melancholy?
【第10句】:盤中小魚勝無魚。Better a little fish than no fish in a dish.
【第11句】:忠言無害。Good counsel never hurt.
【第12句】:好戲在后頭。The best is yet to come.
【第13句】:遇事多問,隨處可行。Ask as much as you can.
【第14句】:不聲不響的豬吃光全部的飼料。The quiet pig eats up all the feed.
【第15句】:事非經(jīng)過不知難。You never know till you have tried.
【第16句】:小心即大勇。Caution is the better part of valour.
【第17句】:樂觀的人在災(zāi)難中看到希望;悲觀的人在希望中看到災(zāi)難。An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; A pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.
【第18句】:家家難免有敗類。Every family has its black sheep.
【第19句】:讀書益智,交談搏彩。By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it.
【第20句】:想想別人的不幸,你可以對自己的命運感到滿足。Think of the misfortunes of others, and you may be content with your own lot.
【第21句】:謀士多,保安全。Many hands make light work.
【第22句】:省錢就是賺錢。A penny saved is a penny earned.
【第23句】:明槍易躲,暗箭難防。Better an open enemy than a false friend.
【第24句】:筆是心之舌。The pen is the tongue of the heart.
【第25句】:榮譽能改變?nèi)说亩Y貌。Honour changes manners.
【第26句】:坐失良機(jī)必有憂患。A lost opportunity is a lost opportunity.
【第27句】:要說就索性說得一清二楚,說出前每句話要字斟句酌。Speak clearly if you speak at all, carve every word before you say it.
【第28句】:百川入海。All rivers run into the sea.
【第29句】:友誼不該只是單方面的事。Friendship should not be all on one side.
【第30句】:敬而遠(yuǎn)之。Keep at a respectful distance.
【第31句】:我們生命只一次,好自為之一次足矣。We only live once. That's enough.
【第32句】:愛情不分貧賤與高貴。Love lives in all courts.
【第33句】:人人都侍候,個個不見好。All hands make jack a dull boy.
【第34句】:兩個烏黑不等于一個清白。Two blacks do not make a white.
【第35句】:智者思其所言,愚者言其所思。Wise men think what they say, fools what they think.
【第36句】:一見鐘情難維久。Love at first sight lasts not long.
【第37句】:對朋友不義,不可能對國家效忠。You cannot be loyal to your country if you are unjust to your friends.
【第38句】:健全的精神寓于健康的身體。A sound mind in a sound body.
【第39句】:囊中無錢心事重。A light purse makes a heavy heart.
【第40句】:只要自重、自覺、自制,人生就可達(dá)到至高無上的境地。Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power.
【第41句】:在人生的搏斗中,只有日日前進(jìn)不甘失敗的人,才能獲勝。In life's earnest battle they only prevail, who daily march onward and never say fail.
【第42句】:樹大招風(fēng)。Great trees catch much wind.
【第43句】:欲知金錢價,不妨把錢借;借錢味難嘗,使人心悲傷。If you would know the price of money, borrow some. Borrowing money is hard to taste and makes the heart ache.
【第44句】:運不逢時,事不得意。Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate.
【第45句】:食欲不長耳。Appetite has no ears.
【第46句】:厚顏無恥由于愚昧無知。Impudence proceeds from ignorance.
【第47句】:愛情和咳嗽是不能掩飾的。Love and a cough cannot be hid.
【第48句】:開玩笑總不能化敵為友,反而有時會失去朋友。A joke never gains an enemy but often loses a friend.
【第49句】:發(fā)什麼聲音,有什麼回聲。What sound, what echo.
【第50句】:服從是軍人的第一職責(zé)。Obedience is the first duty of a soldier.
【第51句】:節(jié)約是個好收入。Economy is good revenue.
【第52句】:孩子不打不成器。Spare the rod and spoil the child.
【第53句】:敗事容易成事難。Easy come, easy go.
【第54句】:歲月無情。Time and tide wait for no man.
【第55句】:物以類聚,世間皆如此。Birds of a feather flock together.
【第56句】:行為漂亮才算美。Handsome is that handsome does.
【第57句】:口頭方便不費力。Verbal convenience is effortless.
【第58句】:玩火者必自焚。He that plays with fire gets burnt.
【第59句】:人微言輕。Little men say little.
【第60句】:聽之任之。Let it be.
【第61句】:空麻袋,立不直。An empty sack cannot stand upright.
【第62句】:人之幸福,自己創(chuàng)造。Man creates his own happiness.
【第63句】:自己應(yīng)該做的事,決不要委托別人做。Never trust another what you should do yourself.
【第64句】:醫(yī)療不得法,使病更糟糕。The remedy is worse than the disease.
【第65句】:自由就是做法律許可做的事情的權(quán)力。Liberty is the power of doing that which is permitted by law.
【第66句】:欲知馬如何,可看套馬索。You may know the horse by his harness.
【第67句】:理論好不如實際好。Practice is better than theory.
【第68句】:知識能使好人更好,壞人更壞。Knowledge makes a good man better and ill man worse.
【第69句】:知識多,老得快。Much knowledge, much age.
【第70句】:工作能證明誰人做得好。Work bears witness who does well.
【第71句】:一只死老鼠,弄贓粥一鍋。A dead mouse gets the dirty porridge in a pot.
【第72句】:錢到袋里留不住。Money is soon in the bag.
【第73句】:多說反壞事。Much said, much done.
【第74句】:怒時數(shù)十再說話,大怒數(shù)百方開言。If you are angry, count ten before you speak; if you are angry, a hundred before you speak.
【第75句】:忍耐是一種美德。Patience is a virtue.
【第76句】:是上無天才,勤學(xué)加苦練。There is no such thing as genius.
【第77句】:不要以貌取人。Don't judge a book by its cover.
【第78句】:若要求知識,必須刻苦學(xué)習(xí)。If you want knowledge, you must toil for it.
【第79句】:蠢人做件羞愧事,總說義不容辭。When a fool does a thing he is ashamed of, he always says it is his duty.
【第80句】:一狗吠聲響,狗吠滿街坊。One barking dog makes the whole neighborhood sound.
【第81句】:不要小題大做。Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
【第82句】:時間一去不再來,我們常說時間充足,實際。總是不夠。Lost time is never found again. It's never enough.
【第83句】:有明必有暗。Every light has its darkness.
【第84句】:是就是,非就非。Yes or no.
【第85句】:生時不做好事,死了像個畜生。He who lives without doing good dies like a brute.
【第87句】:美好的事物永遠(yuǎn)是一種快樂。A thing of beauty is always a joy.
【第88句】:權(quán)衡兩害,取其輕者。Weigh the two evils and choose the lesser.
【第89句】:誠實者最明智。"He is wise that is honest.
【第90句】:新的愛情來,舊的愛情去。New love comes, old love goes.
【第91句】:切莫教魚游泳。Never offer to teach fish to swim.
【第92句】:勞動根雖苦,然而果實甜。Labour has a bitter root but sweet fruit.
【第93句】:追求而得的愛情固然美好,但不經(jīng)追求而得的愛情更為美好。Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.
【第94句】:放債人的記性比借債人好。Creditors have better memories than debtors.
【第95句】:說謊者即使講真話也沒人相信。A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.
【第96句】:十個朋友做的好事抵不上一個敵人造成的危害。One enemy can do more harm than ten friends can do good.
【第97句】:拖延誤事。Delay catches no flies.
【第98句】:由于面貌美麗而娶妻,猶如油漆漂亮而買屋。To marry a woman for her beauty is like buying a house for its paint.
【第99句】:務(wù)請心情常歡暢,只因無人喜憂傷。Be always in a good mood, because no one likes to be sad.