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【第1句】:愛財如命。Love your money.

【第2句】:不要向不如你幸運的人述說你的幸福。Tell not your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself.

【第3句】:要少說多聽。Speak less and listen more.

【第4句】:愛情是盲目的。愛情使人對缺點視而不見。情人眼里出西施。Love is blind. Love blinds a man to his faults. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

【第5句】:在家兇如獅,在外卻如鼠。A lion at home, a mouse abroad.

【第6句】:活得最長,見識最廣。He who lives longest sees most.

【第7句】:(KahlilGibran)當愛情向你招手時,跟隨它,雖然道路是艱難、險峻的。When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep.

【第8句】:成功來自勤奮。Success comes from diligence.

【第9句】:己所不欲,勿施于人。Do as you would be done by.

【第10句】:時間就是金錢,但金錢不是時間。Time is money, but money is not time.

【第11句】:最大的錯誤就是不認識錯誤。The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none.

【第12句】:光輝生活中忙迫的一個小時抵得上無為的一世。One crowded hour of glorious life is worth an age without a name.

【第13句】:最忙的人時間最多。Busiest men find the most time.

【第14句】:行勝于言。Actions speak louder than words.

【第15句】:抱最好的愿望,做最壞的打算。Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

【第16句】:切莫自視過高。Never think too highly of yourself.

【第17句】:千丈之堤潰于蟻穴。A thousand feet of dyke will burst.

【第18句】:妖由人興。The devil makes the man.

【第19句】:好問是非者,恰是是非之人。He that inquires right and wrong is right and wrong.

【第20句】:許愿就是債,欠了不容賴。A wish is a debt.

【第21句】:勇敢和決心是美德的靈魂。Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue.

【第22句】:人吃飯是為了活著,但活著不是為了吃飯。Eat to live, but not live to eat.

【第23句】:貌善實惡。What goes around comes around.

【第24句】:青年時代是人生的播種期。Youth is life's seed-time.

【第25句】:先律己,后律人。Judge not of others, but of yourself.

【第26句】:直樹也有曲根。Straight trees have crooked roots.

【第27句】:說大話者多謊言。A great talker is a great liar.

【第28句】:惺惺相惜。Like knows like.

【第29句】:技能和信心是不可克服的軍隊。Skill and confidence are an insurmountable army.

【第30句】:如果不健康而能強強壯壯,那么無美德也可快快樂樂。If you can be strong without health, you can be happy without virtue.

【第31句】:智者當差,不用交代。A wise man on duty needs no explanation.

【第32句】:酒好客自來。Good wine needs no bush.

【第33句】:所有的人自由后,才能完全自由;所有的人都有道德,才能完全合乎道德;所有的人都幸福了,才能真正幸福。All men are not free until they are all free; All people are moral, can be fully moral; No man is really happy till all are happy.

【第34句】:無所求,則無所獲。Nothing seek, nothing find.

【第35句】:隱而不露即藝術。Art is to be concealed.

【第36句】:狗膽小,拼命叫。Timid dogs bark most.

【第37句】:真理比幻想更奇特。Truth is stranger than fiction.

【第38句】:當前發生諸種事,大多為人所不知。Most of what is happening is unknown.

【第39句】:即使敵人小如鼠,也要防他如防虎。Though thy enemy seem a mouse, yet watch him like a tiger.

【第40句】:一日之計在于晨。An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.

【第41句】:無錯不可糾。No wrong without remedy.

【第42句】:明鏡照容顏,醇酒見人心。As the glass looks, so the wine looks.

【第43句】:美麗而引人注目的東西不一定都善良,但善良的東西總是美麗的。That which is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.

【第44句】:睡眠是良藥,專治醒時愁。Sleep is the best remedy for waking troubles.

【第45句】:收支正當,無須記帳。Make both ends meet, and keep no account.

【第46句】:古交友情深,陳酒香味醇。Old friends and old wine are best.

【第47句】:行善是美德。To do good is a virtue.

【第48句】:看破生死者,大多會成功。Most who see through life and death succeed.

【第49句】:沒有消息就是好消息。No news is good news.

【第50句】:驕傲的心碰上獻媚的嘴,是最危險不過的。It is the most dangerous thing for a proud heart to meet with an obsequious mouth.

【第51句】:有明必有暗。Every light has its darkness.

【第52句】:最不行的人,往往能提出最好的意見。The worst men often give the best advice.

【第53句】:死亡與生存一樣自然。"Death is as natural as life."

【第54句】:不要有求必應。Don't give everything to everything.

【第55句】:奪我名聲,我命即亡。Take my name and my life is done.

【第56句】:想想你所說的一切,不要全部說出你所想的。Think of all that you say, not all that you think.

【第57句】:杯滿盈,須持穩。A full cup must be carried steadily.

【第58句】:出色的外科醫生必須心明眼亮和有一雙靈巧的手。A good surgeon must have an eagle's eye, a lion's heart, and a lady's hand.

【第59句】:結子一松掉,繩子就滑脫。When the knot is loose, the rope slips.

【第60句】:情生情,愛生愛。Love begets love, love begets love.


【第62句】:墮入罪惡的道路是容易走的。The path down to evil is easy.

【第63句】:聽之任之。Let it be.

【第64句】:饒恕敵人是一種巧妙的報復方法。To forgive an enemy is a cunning way of revenge.

【第65句】:吃一塹,長一智。A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.

【第66句】:與朋友交,必須友好相處。In friendship one must be friendly.

【第67句】:疏忽招盜賊。Neglect is the thief's thief.

【第68句】:沒有一個人因為他自知最糟就是最糟。No man is the worst for knowing the worst of himself.

【第69句】:對朋友不義,不可能對國家效忠。You cannot be loyal to your country if you are unjust to your friends.

【第70句】:勇敢的人都是信守諾言的人。Every brave man is a man of his word.

【第71句】:只工作而無娛樂會使人愚鈍。All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

【第72句】:想不犯錯誤,就一事無成。He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.

【第73句】:審人論事宜謹慎,一見之下莫斷定。Judge not of men and matters at first sight.

【第74句】:越老越狡猾。The older the more cunning.

【第75句】:敵人獻禮品,千萬莫輕信。Believe not the gifts of the enemy.

【第76句】:小人得意,忘乎所以。He that is proud is proud.

【第77句】:好魚游水底。The best fish swim near the bottom.

【第78句】:勇者天佑。Fortune favours the bold.

【第79句】:兩人以上知道的秘密就不算秘密。A secret between more than two is no secret.

【第80句】:(InvinFederman)一個人愛別人并不在意對方本身,而是在意對方給自己的感受。One loves another not for who he is but for how he feels.

【第81句】:愛情是盲目的。Love is blind.

【第82句】:友誼是兩人一條心。Friendship - - one soul in two bodies.

【第83句】:日有眼,夜有耳。The day has eyes, the night has ears.

【第84句】:苦難是磨練人的好機會。Adversity is a good discipline.

【第85句】:知識是萬物中最珍貴的財寶,丟不掉,偷不走,也不會損耗。Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed.

【第86句】:濫交者無友。A friend to none is a friend to none.

【第87句】:說謊是上斷頭臺的第一步。Lying is the first step to the gallows.

【第88句】:少年也可以成大事。Little things can be great things.

【第89句】:最后的聰明才算真聰明。Wisdom in the end is wisdom indeed.

【第90句】:雙鳥在林不如一鳥在手。A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

【第91句】:說謊者即使講真話也沒人相信。A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth.

【第92句】:如要忠告向老人請教。Ask an old man for advice.

【第93句】:誠實比聰明更要緊。Be honest rather clever.

【第94句】:自己選的擔子不嫌重。A burden of one's choice is not felt.

【第95句】:經驗是智慧之父,記憶是智慧之母。Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.

【第96句】:金錢能買到某物,但不是萬能的。Money can buy something, but not everything.

【第97句】:棋錯一著,全盤皆輸。One wrong move can lose the whole game.

【第98句】:講話不思考猶如射擊不對準目標。Speaking without thinking is shooting without aim.

【第99句】:最初的印象最為持久。First impressions are most lasting.






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