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【第1句】:三思而行。Think twice before you act.

【第2句】:吃得最多的人不一定最肥胖,讀書最多的人不一定最聰明。Those who eat the most are not necessarily the fattest, and those who read the most are not necessarily the wisest.

【第3句】:小巫見大巫。Nothing is more important than a drop in the bucket.

【第4句】:坐井觀天。A narrow view of the world.

【第5句】:行動是對悲痛唯一的治療。Action is the only cure for grief.

【第6句】:同病相憐。Misery loves company.

【第7句】:著手前要深思熟慮,執行要果斷有力。Deliberate before you begin, and decisive in your execution.

【第8句】:傷天害理,天誅地滅。The devil takes the hindmost.

【第9句】:愛情作酬報,勞苦必輕松。Labour is light where love doth reward.

【第10句】:狐貍會變,但本性難移。A fox may grow grey, but never good.

【第11句】:直樹也有曲根。Straight trees have crooked roots.

【第12句】:懶惰會磨去才智的鋒芒。Sloth turneth the edge of wit.

【第13句】:頑皮淘氣的男孩子有時成為仁人君子。Naughty boys sometimes make good men.

【第14句】:事業在先,享樂在后。Business before pleasure.

【第15句】:凡是都有起源。Everything has a beginning.

【第16句】:惹得傻瓜發火,不如使他快活。It is better to make a fool happy than to make him angry.

【第17句】:(RichardBandler)你知道墜入愛河最容易的方法嗎?只要你同一個人分享你所有的快樂,而避開所有的不悅。Do you know the easiest way to fall in love? As long as you share all your happiness with someone and avoid all your unhappiness.

【第18句】:人生自古誰無死。All men are mortal.

【第19句】:血債要用血來還。Blood will have blood.

【第20句】:絕處能逢生。Every cloud has a silver lining.

【第21句】:與其忍辱偷生,不如光榮而死。Better die with honour than live with shame.

【第22句】:好事不出門,壞事傳千里。Ill news travels fast.

【第23句】:善行如日月經天。Good deeds are like the sun and the moon.

【第24句】:擇友宜慎,棄之宜更慎。Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in giving up.

【第25句】:對自己孩子感到高興的,才是幸福的人。He is happy who is happy in his children.

【第26句】:(KahlilGibran)當他對你說話時,相信他,雖然他的聲音也許會像北風吹毀花園一樣打碎你的夢想。When he speaks to you, trust him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.

【第27句】:或名或暗,月亮總是月亮。The moon is always a moon, either in name or in darkness.

【第28句】:病從口入,禍從口出。A close mouth catches no flies.

【第29句】:事業事人生之鹽。Business is the salt of life.

【第30句】:同類不相殘。Dog does not eat dog.

【第31句】:安分守己。Play the game.

【第32句】:往日不復返。Yesterday never comes again.

【第33句】:我們為了求知識,付出高價也值得。Knowledge is a good purchase though we pay dear for it.

【第34句】:群群羊中有黑羊。There is a black sheep in the flock.

【第35句】:牛失其尾,方知其貴。An ox is known by its tail.

【第36句】:沒有朋友者,等于是死人。He who has no friend is dead.

【第37句】:良藥苦口。A good medicine tastes bitter.

【第38句】:自嘲者不會讓人見笑。He that laughs at himself makes no man laugh.

【第39句】:貪婪的人對別人毫無好處,對自己卻壞處更大。A covetous man is good to none but worse to himself.

【第40句】:隨遇而安。Take things as they come.

【第41句】:黎明前是最黑暗的時刻。The darkest hour is that before the dawn.

【第42句】:孤獨的羊難免遭狼的危險。The lone sheep is in danger from the Wolf.

【第43句】:做事情不要半途而廢。Never do things by halves.

【第44句】:寧可穿破衣,不可蒙羞恥。It is better to be clothed in rags than to be ashamed.

【第45句】:三思而行,再思可也。Think twice before you act.

【第46句】:自我節制是最大的美德。Temperance is the greatest of virtues.

【第47句】:真誠--深刻真摯發自內心的真誠,是真正高尚的人性的一種品質。Sincerity -- deep, sincere, heartfelt sincerity -- is a quality of truly noble human nature.

【第48句】:身體好就有希望,有希望就有一切。He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.

【第49句】:能主宰自己的人不久就可以主宰別人。He that is master of himself will soon be master of others.

【第50句】:命運掌握在自己手中。Your destiny is in your own hands.

【第51句】:溺水的人一根草也要抓。Drowning man will catch at a straw.

【第52句】:遠水難救近火。Far water does not put out near fire.

【第53句】:高價賣不為過,短斤少兩才有罪。It is a sin to sell short, but sell dear.

【第54句】:開頭不好,結尾必糟。A bad beginning makes a bad ending.

【第55句】:同床異夢,貌合神離。Like bedfellows, like bedfellows.

【第56句】:愿望不等于事實。Wishes do not equal facts.

【第57句】:一個父親能扶養十個孩子,十個孩子卻不能贍養一個父親。One father can support ten children, but ten children cannot support one father.

【第58句】:集思廣益。Put your heads together.

【第59句】:飛來橫禍。A bolt from the blue.

【第60句】:不怕慢,單怕站。Not afraid of slow, single afraid of standing.

【第61句】:有的時候不愛惜,失了以后空嘆息。We know not what is good until we have lost it.

【第62句】:一天一個蘋果,醫生不來找我。An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

【第63句】:一個真正偉大的人,對他的第一個考驗就是看他是否謙遜。The first test of a truly great man is his humility.

【第64句】:朋友是另一個我。A friend is a second self.

【第65句】:是喜是憂難以分。Joy and sorrow are inseparable.

【第66句】:訴說煩惱等于增加煩惱。Telling your troubles is adding to your troubles.

【第67句】:智者善聽人言。A wise man is a good listener.

【第68句】:真誠的友誼猶如強健的身體,要到失去它時,才知它的可貴。True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.

【第69句】:死亡與生存一樣自然。"Death is as natural as life."

【第70句】:欲得女兒歡,先遂其母意。He that would have a daughter, must first satisfy his mother.

【第71句】:學習趁年輕,既學就學好。Learn young, learn fair.

【第72句】:老虎一次嘗到血,它的貪心就更大。The tiger that once tasted blood is ever more greedy.

【第73句】:聰明人知道自己不懂什么,蠢人則以為自己什么都懂。The wise man knows he knows nothing, the fool thinks he knows it all.

【第74句】:不要信賴朋友的贊揚,也不要仇敵的輕蔑放在心上。Trust not the praise of a friend, nor the contempt of an enemy.

【第75句】:通向光榮的道路常常是坎坷不平的。The path to glory is always rugged.

【第76句】:疑神疑鬼,絕無收獲。Suspicion, no harvest.

【第77句】:行善莫厭煩。Never be weary of doing good.

【第78句】:聰明的人話不多。A wise man never says much.

【第79句】:好馬不在鞍,人美不在衫。The best horse is not in the saddle.

【第80句】:看破生死者,大多會成功。Most who see through life and death succeed.

【第81句】:要多看少說。See more and speak less.

【第82句】:失之毫厘,謬以千里。A miss is as good as a mile.

【第83句】:愛錢如命的父親生個兒子揮金如土。A miserly father makes a prodigal son.

【第84句】:生性樂天的人極少會變成瘋子。A man of gladness seldom goes mad.

【第85句】:臭名氣并不光彩。Fame is not glory.

【第86句】:不積少,不會成多。Not much, not much.

【第87句】:你去購買東西時,要用眼睛莫用耳。When you go shopping, use your eyes rather than your ears.

【第88句】:言必行。It will do.

【第89句】:心之所見遠勝于目。The heart sees more than the head.

【第90句】:虛偽者不肯說真話。False tongue will hardly speak truth.

【第91句】:千里之行,始于足下。A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

【第92句】:沒有金錢,就沒有愛情。Without money, there is no love.

【第93句】:理性常騙人,良心永不欺。Reason deceives us often, conscience never.

【第94句】:自吹自擂的人是最大的謊言者。The greatest liars talk most of themselves.

【第95句】:愁一愁,白了頭。Sorrow makes the head white.

【第96句】:我們希望長大,但怕年老;就是,愿意生,而害怕死。We want to grow old, but we fear old age; To be willing to live and afraid to die.

【第97句】:生氣最終是氣壞自己。Getting angry is ultimately about getting angry with yourself.

【第98句】:貧窮人要求多,守財奴樣樣要。The poor man wants much, the miser everything.

【第99句】:莫道身軀小,偉人寓其間。A little body often harbours a great soul.




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