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<37>火是一把雙刃劍。Fire is a double-edged sword.<61>永不生病的人往往一病致命。He that never falls ill often dies of a disease.<35>靜以修身。Silence is the soul of virtue.<42>口蜜腹劍者不乏其人。There is no lack of such people.<52>每個人都以為自己的東西了不起。Every man thinks his own geese swans.<49>即使是拿破侖,過去也是啼哭的嬰孩。Even napoleon was a crying baby.<57>如不相互尊重,愛情就難發(fā)展。Love cannot develop without mutual respect.<77>不要向不如你幸運的人述說你的幸福。Tell not your happiness to one less fortunate than yourself.<55>切莫自尋麻煩。Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.<47>孩子和傻子,說的是真話。Children and fools speak the truth.<59>善良的心靈勝于顯貴的地位。A good heart is better than a place of honour.<59>辦事不失時機,一天可抵三天用。One day without loss of time is worth three.<25>積習難改。Old habits die hard.<68>我們不知道的東西多得不可勝數。There is an infinite number of things we do not know.<28>虎父生犬子。Like father, like son.<87>要使農家富又足,必須養(yǎng)雞又養(yǎng)牛。To make a farmer rich and rich, he must raise both chickens and cattle.<26>歡樂的時間過得快。Happy time flies.<50>懶漢總嫌活太多。Too much work is too much for an idle man.<72>豐年五谷賤如草,荒年稻草貴如糧。In good years corn is straw, in bad years straw is corn.<38>巨輪尋深水而航行。A great ship asks deep water.<42>囊中無錢心事重。A light purse makes a heavy heart.<63>守財奴積的財富,對他自己沒好處。The money the miser hoards will do him no good.<27>飲水思源。Think while you drink.<42>有花堪折直須折。Flowers may wrinkle but they must.<35>懶惰使人的頭腦遲鈍。Idleness blunts the mind.<173>如果不創(chuàng)造財富,就沒有權力享用財富;同樣地,如果不能創(chuàng)造幸福,就沒有權利享受幸福。If you do not create wealth, you have no right to consume it; Similarly, we have no right to consume happiness without producing it.<86>名譽像條河,源頭最狹窄,遠處最寬闊。Fame is like a river, narrowest at its source and broadest afar off.<73>學而不思,猶如食而不化。To learn without reflecting is like eating without digesting.<51>通向光榮的道路常常是坎坷不平的。The path to glory is always rugged.<57>干了一次壞事的人會再干第二次。He who has done ill once will do it again.<47>只有在真理中才能找到智慧。Wisdom can only be found in truth.<30>過猶不及。Too much of a good thing.<36>心無二用。The heart can do no two things.<45>有用的東西并不都是唾手可得的。All is not at hand that helps.<46>美名勝過美貌。A good name is better than a good face.<41>心曠神怡,事事順利。A light heart goes all the way.<43>生活是由瑣事構成的。Life is made up of little things.<126>樂觀的人在災難中看到希望;悲觀的人在希望中看到災難。An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; A pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.<32>明天有明天的事。Tomorrow is another day.<61>在世無朋友,死后無證人。Life without a friend is death without a witness.<45>貧窮是游手好閑的報應。Poverty is the reward of idleness.<59>吠犬不咬人(意指:對于高聲發(fā)出恐嚇,或慣于大聲吼叫的人,勿須當真)。Barking dogs do not bite.<61>理智指導聰明人,而且打擊愚蠢漢。Reason guides the wise and beats the foolish.<21>心直口快。Speak your mind.<41>美德是無價之寶。Virtue is a jewel of great price.<72>我們先養(yǎng)成習慣,然后習慣又左右我們。We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.<41>放馬后炮。After the horse is behind the horse.<52>家庭內訌難維系。A house divided against itself cannot stand.<92>人有兩只耳朵一張嘴,就是為了多聽少說話。A man has two ears and one mouth that he may hear much and speak little.<51>結子一松掉,繩子就滑脫。When the knot is loose, the rope slips.<50>愛情在市場上是找不到的。Love is not to be found in the market.<33>老馬能識途。An old horse knows the way.<55>大智若愚。靜水流深。Still waters run deep. Still waters run deep.<70>我們應在人降生時流淚,而不該在人死亡時哭泣。We should weep at man's birth, not at his death.<41>生性樂天,終身受用。A merry heart goes all the way.<41>情場失意,賭場得意。Unlucky in love, lucky at play.<32>愛情入,友誼出。Love in, friendship out.<23>要抓住時機。Seize the moment.<66>手里有錢財,不如胸中有文才。Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.<35>人生如朝露。Life is like the morning dew.<72>窮人的一只羔羊比富人的一頭牛還要珍貴。A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich.<60>人人都有鴻運高照之日。Fortune knocks once at least at every man's door.<29>往事不重提。Let bygones be bygones.<51>學習不在校,而在生活中。Learning is not in school, but in life.<50>愛財是萬惡之源。The love of money is the root of all evil.<70>對己之不幸付之一笑,這是一門偉大的藝術。It is a great art to laugh at your own misfortune.<54>什么都能做,什么都不行。Anything can be done, nothing can be done.<79>光說空話不做事,猶如花園光長刺。A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.<89>由于面貌美麗而娶妻,猶如油漆漂亮而買屋。To marry a woman for her beauty is like buying a house for its paint.<44>愛情與仇恨同樣是盲目的。Hatred is blind as well as love.<26>靜水常深。Still water run deep.<35>忠言逆耳。Honest advice is hard to hear.<51>醫(yī)生年老的好,律師年輕的俏。An old physician, and a young lawyer.<73>忍耐是朵花,并非人人園中都開發(fā)。Patience is a flower that grows not in everyone's garden.<42>恐懼源于無知。Fear always springs from ignorance.<54>正直的法官重法勝于重人。An upright judge values the law above men.<35>清凈近乎神圣。Purity is next to godliness.<43>情生情,愛生愛。Love begets love, love begets love.<41>沒有朋友者,等于是死人。He who has no friend is dead.<32>漂亮不能當飯吃。Beauty will buy no beef.<56>骨頭打狗狗不叫。A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.<43>萬千事物,形成世界。A thousand things make the world.<33>莫逆至交,終有一別。Best friends must part.<44>聰明不是掛在嘴上。Cleverness is not just lip service.<50>吹號角的未必都是獵人。All are not hunters that blow the horn.<40>什么鳥唱什么歌。A bird may be known by its song.<53>競爭中出人意料的獲勝者。The unexpected winner of the competition.<33>不輕諾,諾必果。Promise not, promise not.<39>一木不能成林。One tree does not make a forest.<56>只工作而無娛樂會使人愚鈍。All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.<63>人都向旭日膜拜,不向夕陽頂禮。Men worship the rising sun, not the setting sun.<58>進步的最大障礙是偏見。The greatest obstacle to progress is prejudice.<31>愛情會自找出路。Love will find its way.<90>當面責人是英雄,背后中傷是懦夫。He who blames one to his face is a hero, but he who backbites is a coward.<43>真正的愛情是給而不是取。True love is giving not taking.<30>謊言是站不住腳的。Lies have short legs.<95>無事可做比有許多事要做更傷腦筋。There is more trouble in having nothing to do than in having many things to do.<75>自然,時間和耐心,是三大偉大的醫(yī)生。Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians.<33>大海有能容之量。The sea has its capacity.
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