【第1句】:良馬不失蹄,賢妻不聒絮。A good horse that never stumbles, a good wife that never grumbles.
【第2句】:人貪錢財,心無美德。Virtue is the soul of a covetous man.
【第3句】:(LouisaMay)愛情是一個偉大的美化家。Love isa great landscaper.
【第4句】:禮貌不費分文而可贏得一切。Politeness costs nothing and gains everything.
【第5句】:青年冒失莽撞;成年發奮圖強;老年遺憾懊喪。Youth is rash; Adult struggle; Old age is a regret.
【第6句】:靜以修身。Silence is the soul of virtue.
【第7句】:熟路好遵循,老友最可珍。Familiar paths and old friends are the best.
【第9句】:互相吹噓。Brag to each other.
【第10句】:不回答也是一種回答。No answer is also an answer.
【第11句】:落難時不擇伙伴。A friend in need is a friend indeed.
【第12句】:人言無據,切勿輕信。Never trust a man who speaks without evidence.
【第13句】:一事成功,事事順利。Nothing succeeds like success.
【第14句】:老鷹勝鴿,不足為榮。It is no honor for an eagle to beat a dove.
【第16句】:沒有實踐,希望會化為烏有。Without practice, hope will come to naught.
【第17句】:惹得傻瓜發火,不如使他快活。It is better to make a fool happy than to make him angry.
【第18句】:欲捉鳥莫驚鳥。He that would catch a bird must not scare it.
【第19句】:事實是不容改變的東西。Facts are stubborn things.
【第20句】:人生只有一次死。A man can die but once.
【第21句】:為富不仁。Rich men are mean.
【第22句】:記得青年時所做的愚笨事的人是幸福的。Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth.
【第23句】:狐貍可以改變皮毛,但不能改變習性。The fox may alter his coat, but not his habit.
【第24句】:“您先請”是禮貌。After you is good manners.
【第25句】:自作孽不可活。You can't do evil to yourself.
【第26句】:最忙碌的人有最多的空閑。The busiest men have the most leisure.
【第27句】:杞人憂天。Fear may never appear.
【第28句】:人到黃泉,貧富同眠。In death rich and poor sleep together.
【第29句】:試金石可以試金,正如黃金可以試人。As the touchstone tries gold, so gold tries man.
【第30句】:如不相互尊重,愛情就難發展。Love cannot develop without mutual respect.
【第31句】:你可以迫人閉眼,但不能使他睡覺。You may force a man to close his eyes, but you cannot make him sleep.
【第32句】:舍本逐末。Cut the chase.
【第33句】:真理不些要色彩,美麗不需涂飾。Truth needs no colour; beauty, no pencil.
【第34句】:愛情不分貧賤與高貴。Love lives in all courts.
【第35句】:愛情像月亮,不營即虧。Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases.
【第36句】:誠實是上策。Honesty is the best policy.
【第37句】:月亮豈怕狗來吠。The moon does not fear the barking of dogs.
【第38句】:不到黃河心不死。Ambition never dies until there is no way out.
【第39句】:主人不在可以看出仆人的品行來。A servant is known by his master's absence.
【第40句】:好馬不在鞍,人美不在衫。The best horse is not in the saddle.
【第41句】:勇敢和決心是美德的靈魂。Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue.
【第42句】:施恩比受惠更有福。It is more blessed to give than to receive.
【第43句】:安全勝過遺憾。Better safe than sorry.
【第44句】:今日花天酒地,明日潦倒窮途。He that spends today will spend tomorrow.
【第45句】:不要嘲笑皮匠的黑拇指。Do not laugh at a cobbler's black thumb.
【第46句】:只有那個穿鞋人,才知哪里鞋軋腳。It is only the wearer who knows where the shoe pinches.
【第47句】:向乞丐乞討,永遠發不了財。Beg from beggars and you'll never be rich.
【第48句】:好砧不怕錘。A good anvil does not fear the hammer.
【第49句】:沒有金錢,就沒有愛情。Without money, there is no love.
【第50句】:搬弄是非者,惡劣甚于賊。A tattler is worse than a thief.
【第51句】:捷足先登。The early bird catches the worm.
【第52句】:找出病根等于治愈了一半。To know the disease is half the cure.
【第53句】:大巧若拙。I'm sorry.
【第54句】:智者當差,不用交代。A wise man on duty needs no explanation.
【第55句】:莫道全所知,莫信全所聞。Believe not all that you hear nor all that you know.
【第56句】:不犯錯誤的人往往也就是無所作為的人。The man who makes no mistakes is often the same as the man who does nothing.
【第57句】:任何事情都有好的時機,不要隨意放過。Everything has its time and that time must be watched.
【第58句】:朋友成百猶覺少,仇敵一人已嫌多。One foe is too many, and a hundred friends too few.
【第59句】:切莫諱疾忌醫。Don't deny medical treatment.
【第60句】:一次為成人,兩度當小孩。Once a man and twice a child.
【第61句】:蠢人易于智窮力竭。A fool is apt to be at the end of his rope.
【第62句】:婚姻能成全人也能損害人。Marriage makes or Mars a man.
【第63句】:待到炮聲響,辯論已莫及。By the sound of gunfire, the debate was out of reach.
【第64句】:技能和信心是不可克服的軍隊。Skill and confidence are an insurmountable army.
【第65句】:人多勢眾。Many hands make light work.
【第66句】:百川入海。All rivers run into the sea.
【第67句】:小人得意,忘乎所以。He that is proud is proud.
【第68句】:自作自受。What goes around comes around.
【第69句】:好景不常在,好花不常開。Every day is not Sunday.
【第70句】:過多反壞事,太少不濟時。Too much spoils, too little is nothing.
【第71句】:遭到不幸時,沈默是上策。Silence is the best policy in misfortune.
【第72句】:愛屋及烏。Love me, love my dog.
【第73句】:玩火者必自焚。He that plays with fire gets burnt.
【第74句】:烈火試真金,困苦練壯士。The fire is the test of gold, adversity of strong man.
【第75句】:呆人有呆福。Fools have fortune.
【第76句】:教育的目的在于培養品德。The object of education is to develop character.
【第77句】:眼見為實。Seeing is believing.
【第78句】:沒有一個人因為他自知最糟就是最糟。No man is the worst for knowing the worst of himself.
【第79句】:遇事多問,隨處可行。Ask as much as you can.
【第80句】:愛情使服從變為易事。Love makes obedience easy.
【第81句】:真誠的友誼猶如強健的身體,要到失去它時,才知它的可貴。True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it is lost.
【第82句】:口蜜腹劍。Sweet words make the heart grow fonder.
【第83句】:美好的事物永遠是一種快樂。A thing of beauty is always a joy.
【第84句】:愛情和咳嗽是藏不住的。Love and a cough cannot be hid.
【第85句】:最瞎莫如視而不見。None so blind as those who won't see.
【第86句】:只工作,不玩耍,聰明小伙也變傻。All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.
【第87句】:判斷人的好壞不能憑一次行為。A man is not good or bad for one action.
【第88句】:人多嘴雜。廚師多燒壞湯?Too many cooks spoil the broth. Too many cooks spoil the broth?
【第89句】:取暖太近火,會被火灼傷。If you get too close to the fire, it will burn you.
【第90句】:真理必勝。Truth will prevail.
【第91句】:一個人的佳肴常為另一人的毒藥。One man's meat is another man's poison.
【第92句】:信譽像鏡子,破碎無法補。Credit like a mirror, broken can not be repaired.
【第93句】:老柴好燒,老馬好騎。Old wood is best to burn, old horse to ride.
【第94句】:少女有了許多求婚者往往選中了最差的一個。A maiden with many wooers often chooses the worst.
【第95句】:什么都能做,什么都不行。Anything can be done, nothing can be done.
【第96句】:貓有九條命;吉人天相。A cat has nine lives. Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate.
【第97句】:浪費時間是一切花費中最奢侈豪華的費用。Waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.
【第98句】:聰明不是掛在嘴上。Cleverness is not just lip service.
【第99句】:幸運喜歡勇敢的人,而不喜歡怯懦的人。Fortune smiles upon the brave and frowns upon the coward.