<59>鴻運來時,百事順遂。Fortune knocks once at least at every man's door.59><51>愚人越富越愚蠢。The richer the fool, the greater his folly.51><29>紅顏易變。Beauty is but skin-deep.29><35>貌善實惡。What goes around comes around.35><44>入國問禁,入鄉隨俗。When in Rome, do as the Romans do.44><81>你笑,人人陪你笑;你哭,惟獨你自哭。Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone.81><69>最清潔的布上,污點特別顯眼。A spot shows itself most clearly on the cleanest cloth.69><41>一年之計在于春。A year's plan begins with spring.41><59>辦事不失時機,一天可抵三天用。One day without loss of time is worth three.59><34>一事之失,不必介意。Never mind a thing lost.34><46>爬梯必須從底層開始。The ladder must begin at the bottom.46><41>仁愛須由近及遠。Charity must go from near to far.41><32>財少寡憂。Little wealth, little care.32><59>只工作,不玩耍,聰明小伙也變傻。All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.59><58>來道是非者,便是是非人。Who chatters to others will chatter of others.58><45>少女露笑臉,婚事半成全。A maid that laughs is half taken.45><42>自己最了解自己。Every man is best know to himself.42><43>恩澤讓人欣喜,猶如鮮花使人心醉。Grace pleases like flowers.43><54>不到黃河心不死。Ambition never dies until there is no way out.54><28>熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.28><40>克制乃是最好的治療。Temperance is the best physic.40><29>強者必勝。The strong will prevail.29><53>一粒一粒啄米,母雞填飽肚皮。Grain by grain and hen fills her belly.53><29>賊膽心虛。A thief's heart is weak.29><45>貧窮是游手好閑的報應。Poverty is the reward of idleness.45><90>當面責人是英雄,背后中傷是懦夫。He who blames one to his face is a hero, but he who backbites is a coward.90><50>一知半解,害已誤人。A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.50><50>施比受更有福。It is more blessed to give than to receive.50><52>烏鴉總以為自己的雛鳥最美麗。The crow thinks her own birds fairest.52><44>杯滿盈,須持穩。A full cup must be carried steadily.44><31>沒有消息就是好消息。No news is good news.31><38>居安思危。In prosperity think of adversity.38><53>莫說不想讓人聽見的話。Don't say what you don't want to be heard.53><48>愛是人生最大的樂趣。Love is the greatest pleasure in life.48><63>人生最甜蜜的事情就是愛妻的歡迎。The sweetest thing in life is a wife's welcome.63><39>不可以貌取人。Don't judge a book by its cover.39><110>我們的心目中要有國家,要有整個國家,而且只有我們的國家別如其他。Let our object be our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country.110><32>人多勢眾。Many hands make light work.32><72>一本好書,莫逆之交。A good book is a best friend who never turns his back upon us.72><65>記得青年時所做的愚笨事的人是幸福的。Happy is he who knows his follies in his youth.65><65>不嘗黃連苦,怎知蜂蜜甜。Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet.65><29>萬事開頭小。All things begin small.29><49>由一斑可知全貌。You may know by a handful the whole sack.49><36>人心齊,泰山移。With one heart, tai shan yi.36><103>同類不相殘;同室不操戈。Like does not eat like; No man is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.103><25>節約等于收入。Saving is getting.25><22>備而不用。Take precautions.22><48>幫忙不及時,等于不幫忙。He that helps not in time helps not.48><34>有備無患。A ready mind is a safe house.34><73>懂得越多,就越知道自己懂得不多。The more you know, the more you know you don't know much.73><108>三樣東西最易消逝∶樹林的回響,彩虹和婦女的美貌。Three things soon pass away; the echo of the woods, the rainbow, and woman's beauty.108><57>世上無難事,只要肯登攀。Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.57><110>選擇妻子也象策畫戰爭,一時之錯將成終身之恨。Choosing a wife is like planning a war; a fault in one moment becomes a lifelong regret.110><21>時間就是金錢。Time is money.21><19>舍本逐末。Cut the chase.19><46>有強權,就沒有正義。Where might is, there is no justice.46><58>腰包錢財足,心境自然寬。The mind is always broad enough for the purse.58><47>自己選的擔子不嫌重。A burden of one's choice is not felt.47><87>追求愛情,它要逃走;逃避愛情,它會跟你。Follow love and it will flee; Run from love and it will follow you.87><46>精誠所至,金石為開。Sincerity smooth the way to success.46><71>牛因有腳而被抓,人因有舌而遭殃。An ox is taken by the horns, and the man by the tongue.71><43>自助者天助之。God helps those who help themselves.43><17>以牙還牙。Tit for tat.17><59>許多事情同時干,一件事也辦不成。You can do many things at once and not one.59><59>吠犬不咬人(意指:對于高聲發出恐嚇,或慣于大聲吼叫的人,勿須當真)。Barking dogs do not bite.59><58>主人不在可以看出仆人的品行來。A servant is known by his master's absence.58><71>僅有機智而無真才實學,猶如一棵大樹不結果。Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit.71><22>見多識廣。Be well informed.22><36>革命不是繡花。Revolution is not embroidery.36><100>(InvinFederman)一個人愛別人并不在意對方本身,而是在意對方給自己的感受。One loves another not for who he is but for how he feels.100><52>每個人都以為自己的東西了不起。Every man thinks his own geese swans.52><24>懶散學為非。Learn by idleness.24><48>廣交友,無深交。Many friends make but few acquaintances.48><32>慢工出細活。Slow work makes slow work.32><84>手頭有黃金,惶恐很擔心;兩手都空空,處在危急中。When we have gold we are in fear; Empty hands are in danger.84><35>益友難得。A good friend is seldom found.35><30>憂慮有損健康。Care is bad for health.30><73>金錢本身無好壞,要看怎樣利用它。Money is neither good nor bad, it is what you do with it.73><46>一扇開著的大門可誘惑一個圣徒。An open door may tempt a saint.46><51>吃飯是為了生存,但生存不是為了吃飯。Eat to live, but not live to eat.51><23>憂慮傷神。Care killed a cat.23><39>錢不是從天上掉下來的。Money doesn't grow on trees.39><50>愛情在市場上是找不到的。Love is not to be found in the market.50><56>骨頭打狗狗不叫。A dog will not howl if you beat him with a bone.56><45>嘴上沒毛,辦事不牢。A hairless mouth makes a poor hand.45><38>偷大偷小都是賊。A thief is as good as a thief.38><46>愛情和買賣可以培養口才。Love and business teach eloquence.46><49>大多數事物總有兩種解釋。Most things have two interpretations.49><60>誠實人的話像他的契約一樣靠得住。An honest man's word is as good as his bond.60><55>今日花天酒地,明日潦倒窮途。He that spends today will spend tomorrow.55><52>好的名聲在黑暗中也會光芒四射。A good name keeps lustre in the dark.52><44>落難時不擇伙伴。A friend in need is a friend indeed.44><108>人間猶如一架梯,有人緣梯上升,有人順梯下降。The world is like a ladder, some people climb the ladder, some people down the ladder.108><37>自立更生,自食其力。Stand on your own two feet.37><46>狐貍到老也不會變好。A fox may grow grey, but never good.46><30>自由不是放縱。Liberty is not licence.30><58>骨肉越親,恩情越深。The closer the kindred, the deeper the kindness.58><44>越是不見越想念。The more I see, the more I miss you.44><65>講話不思考猶如射擊不對準目標。Speaking without thinking is shooting without aim.65>