Do not ask for harvest, but ask for cultivation! Heaven rewards diligence.
God help those who help themselves, you can.
Those who sow with tears will reap with smiles.
No talent, no foothold, no pain, no talent.
Practice is college entrance examination, college entrance examination is practice.
英語高考高頻諺語:高考的路上,我注定要做王者。On the way to college entrance examination, I was des
堅持的諺語英語翻譯:這個世上沒有人可以保護你,堅強,是你唯一的出路。This world no one can protect y
高考英語諺語情景交際:牛不訓不會耕,馬不練不能騎。Cattle can't plough without training, and horses
最新英語諺語:一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井繩。One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.
努力專注的英語諺語:只要決心成功,失敗永遠不會把你擊倒。as long as you are determined to succeed, f
努力專注的英語諺語:學在苦中求,藝在勤中練。learn in pain, and practice in diligence.
英語高考高頻諺語:含淚播種的人一定能含笑收獲。Those who sow with tears will reap with smiles.
高考英語諺語情景交際:龍眼識珠,鳳眼識寶,牛眼識草。The dragon eye knows the Pearl, the phoenix eye
最新英語諺語:軍人以服從命令為天職。Observation is the best teacher.
2023英語高考必備諺語:一天省下一兩糧,十年要用倉來裝。Save one or two grains a day and use the stor