Ten plums, nine sourness, ten officials, nine greed.
One chopstick is easy to fold, ten chopsticks are as hard as iron.
Save a man's life and build a seven level butcher.
I'm not afraid to eat and choose big bowls, but I'm afraid to be lazy when I work.
Don't do anything bad for others. It's not surprising to knock at the door in the middle of the night.
努力專注的英語諺語:當一個人沒有成功的時候,裝也裝出成功的樣子。When a person is not successful, pr
堅持的諺語英語翻譯:升平富足的盛世徒然養成一批懦夫,困苦永遠是堅強之母。Rich's prosperous time in v
英語高考高頻諺語:近河莫枉費水,近山莫枉燒柴。Don't waste water near the river or firewood near the
最新英語諺語:不鳴則已,一鳴驚人。It takes three generations to make a gentleman.
高考英語諺語情景交際:在逆境中,智者知難而進,愚者消沉不前。In adversity, the wise advance in the f
2023英語高考必備諺語:磨刀恨不利,刀利傷人指。Sharpening a knife is not good, but it hurts people.
堅持的諺語英語翻譯:寶劍鋒從磨礪出,梅花香自苦寒來。april showers bring may flowers.
努力專注的英語諺語:一分耕耘,一分收獲。no pains, no gains.
2023英語高考必備諺語:有菜半年糧,無菜半年荒。There are vegetables for half a year, but no vegetabl
最新英語諺語:兒子婚前是兒子,女兒終生是女兒。Nature is the true law.