c/o為certificate of origin的簡稱,意思為“原產地證書”,以下為具體內容。
1作用 2類型 3申請 4主要內容 5填寫 6更改重發
原產地證明書(certificate of origin)是出口商應進口商要求而提供的、由公證機構或政府或出口商出具的證明貨物原產地或制造地的一種證明文件。原產地證書是貿易關系人交接貨物、結算貨款、索賠理賠、進口國通關驗收、征收關稅的有效憑證,它還是出口國享受配額待遇、進口國對不同出口國實行不同貿易政策的憑證。2類型編輯
根據簽發者不同,原產地證書一般可分為以下三類: ①商檢機構出具的原產地證書,如:中華人民共和國檢驗檢疫局(ciq)出具的普惠制產地證格式a(gsp form a);一般原產地證書(certificate of origin)。
②商會出具的產地證書,如:中國國際貿易促進委員會(ccpit)出具的一般原產地證書,簡稱貿促會產地證書(ccpit ceertificate of origin);
②《中華人民共和國出口貨物原產地證明書》一式四份; ③出口貨物商業發票;
⑴ 進出口商的名稱及地址; ⑵運輸方式及航線; ⑶商品嘜頭和編號; ⑷商品名稱、數量和重量; ⑸證明文字等。
5填寫編輯 ⑴產地證書的編號(certificate no。)此欄不得留空,否則證書無效。⑵出口方(exporter)
填寫最終收貨人名稱、地址和國家(地區)名。通常是外貿合同中的買方或信用證上規定的提單通知人。如信用證規定所有單證收貨人一欄留空,在這種情況下,此欄應加注“to whom it may concern”或“to order”,但此欄不得留空。若需填寫轉口商名稱時,可在收貨人后面加填英文via,然后再寫轉口商名稱、地址、國家。
⑷運輸方式和路線(means of transport and route)填寫裝運港和目的港、運輸方式。若經轉運,還應注明轉運地。例如:通過海運,由上海港經香港轉運至漢堡港,應填為: from shanghai to hamburg by vessel via hongkong。
⑸目的地國家(地區)(country/region of destination)
⑹簽證機構用欄(for certifying authority use only)由簽證機構在簽發后發證、補發證書或加注其他聲明時使用。證書申領單位應將此欄留空。一般情況下,該欄不填。
⑺運輸標志(marks and numbers)填寫嘜頭。應按信用證、合同及發票上所列嘜頭填寫完整圖案、文字標記及包裝號碼,不可簡單填寫“按照發票”(as per invoice number)或者“按照提單”(as peer b/l number)。貨物如無嘜頭,應填寫“無嘜頭”(no mark)字樣。此欄不得空留,如嘜頭多,本欄目填寫不夠,可填寫在第7、8、9欄內的空白處,如還是不夠,可用附頁填寫。
⑻商品描述、包裝數量及種類(number and kind of packages;description of goods)
填寫商品描述及包裝數量。商品名稱要填寫具體名稱,不得用概括性表述,例如服裝、食品(garment、food)等。包裝數量及種類要按具體單位填寫,應與信用證及其他單據嚴格一致。包裝數量應在阿拉伯數字后加注英文表述。如貨物為散裝,在商品名稱后加注“散裝”(in bulk)字樣。有時信用證要求在所有單據上加注合同號碼、信用證號等,可加注在此欄內。本欄的末行要打上表示結束的符號(**************),以防加添內容。
⑼商品編碼(hs code)
⑾發票號碼及日期(number and date of invoice)填寫商業發票號碼及日期。此欄不得空留,為避免對月份、日期的誤解,月份一律用英文表述,如2004年3月15日,則為: march.15,2004。
⑿出口方聲明(declaration by the exporter)填寫出口人的名稱、申報地點及日期,由已在簽證機構注冊的人員簽名并加蓋有中英文的印章。
1.=care of由...轉交(書信用語)2.=carried over 【會計】結轉下頁;轉期交割(交易所用語)3.=cash order 【會計】即期票,現付票,現金票據;現金定貨單
近幾年,在商業單證方面的大使館認證作為許多國家的非關稅壁壘手段之一正悄然興起。大使館認證(legalization by embassy or consulate)是指一國外交機構及其授權機構在涉外文書上確認其本國公證機關或某些特殊機關的印章貨該機關主管人員的簽字屬實;它是一個國家駐另外一個國家的大使館或領事館,根據本國出入境法律、法規的有關規定,對進入本國的人或貨物的有關證明文件所進行的核實,以確認這些文件上的最后一個簽字貨印章屬實,并簽字蓋章的過程。經過認證的證書包括民事認證和商業認證。由于大使館認證在國際貿易中所涉及的全部問商品認證,以下我們重點介紹的是大使館商業認證。國際貿易中除了關稅以外的所有限制外國商品進口的人為措施均稱為非關稅壁壘,包括對進口商品的產地、價格、擔保、質量和技術規格、衛生及安全等方面都有嚴格的限制。而大使館認證恰恰可以對出口商品的產地證、價格、質量等方面進行限制,實際上就是對進口國對出口國商品設置的非關稅壁壘。
1.certificate of origin of china showing 中國產地證明書 stating 證明 evidencing 列明 specifying 說明 indicating 表明 declaration of 聲明
2.certificate of chinese origin中國產地證明書4.declaration of origin 產地證明書(產地生明)
3.certificate of origin shipment of goods of … origin prohibited 產地證,不允許裝運…的產品 7.genetalised system of preference certificate of origin form “a” 普惠制格式“a”產地證明書 5.certificate of origin separated 單獨出具的產地證 6.certificate of origin “form a” “格式a”產地證明書
1.packing list deatiling the complete inner packing specification and contents of each package 載明每件貨物之內部包裝的規格和內容的裝箱單
2.packing list detailing…詳注…的裝箱單3.packing list showing in detail…注明…細節的裝箱單 4.weight list 重量單 5.weight notes 磅碼單(重量單)6.detailed weight list 明細重量單 tet of forwarding agents' cargo receipt 全套運輸行所出具之貨物承運收據 2.air way bill for goods condigned to…quoting our credit number
3.parcel post receipt 郵包收據
7.pure foods certificate 純食品證書 4.parcel post receipt showing parcels addressed to…a/c accountee
5.parcel post receipt evidencing goods condigned to…and quoting our credit number
6.certificate customs invoice on form 59a combined certificate of value and origin for developing countries 適用于發展中國家的包括價值和產地證明書的格式59a海關發票證明書
8.combined certificate of value and chinese origin 價值和中國產地聯合證明書
9.a declaration in terms of form 5 of new zealand forest produce import and export and regultions 1966 or a declaration form the exporter to the effect that no timber has been used in the packing of the goods, either declaration may be included on certified customs invoice 依照1966年新西蘭林木產品進出口法格式5條款的聲明或出口人關于貨物非用木器包裝的實績聲明,該聲明也可以在海關發票中作出證明
canadian custtoms invoice(revised form)all signed in ink showing fair market value in currency of country of export 用出口國貨幣標明本國市場售價,并進行筆簽的加拿大海關發票(修訂格式)
11.canadian import declaration form 111 fully signed and completed 完整簽署和填寫的格式111加拿大進口聲明書
g port and destinaltion裝運港與目的港
(1)despatch/shipment from chinese port to… 從中國港口發送/裝運往……
(2)evidencing shipment from china to…cfr by steamer in transit saudi arabia not later than 15th july, 1987 of the goods specified below 列明下面的貨物按成本加運費價格用輪船不得遲于1987年7月15日從中國通過沙特阿拉伯裝運到……
2.date of shipment 裝船期
(1)bills of lading must be dated not later than august 15, 1987 提單日期不得遲于1987年8月15日
(2)shipment must be effected not later than(or on)july 30,1987 貨物不得遲于(或于)1987年7月30日裝運
(3)shipment latest date… 最遲裝運日期:……
(4)evidencing shipment/despatch on or before…列明貨物在…年…月…日或在該日以前裝運/發送(5)from china port to …not later than 31st august, 1987 不遲于1987年8月31日從中國港口至……
3.partial shipments and transhipment 分運與轉運
(1)partial shipments are(not)permitted(不)允許分運
(2)partial shipments(are)allowed(prohibited)準許(不準)分運
3)without transhipment 不允許轉運(4)transhipment at hongkong allowed 允許在香港轉船 partial shipments are permissible, transhipment is allowed except at…允許分運,除在…外允許轉運
(6)partial/prorate shipments are perimtted 允許分運/按比例裝運
7)transhipment are permitted at any port against, through b/lading 憑聯運提單允許在任何港口轉運
in…for negotiation until… 在……議付至……止
2.draft(s)must be presented to the negotiating(or drawee)bank not later than… 匯票不得遲于……交議付行(受票行)
3.expiry date for presention of documents… 交單滿期日
4.draft(s)must be negotiated not later than… 匯票要不遲于……議付
5.this l/c is valid for negotiation in china(or your port)until 15th, july 1977 本證于1977年7月15日止在中國議付有效
7.this credit remains valid in china until 23rd may, 1977(inclusive)
8.expiry date august 15, 1977 in country of beneficiary for negotiation 于1977年8月15日在受益人國家議付期滿
this credit shall cease to be available for negotiation of beneficairy's drafts after 15th august, 1977
11.expiry date 15th august, 1977 in the country of the beneficiary unless otherwise 除非另有規定,(本證)于1977年8月15日受益人國家滿期
expiry(expiring)date… 滿期日… 14.…if negotiation on or before… 在…日或該日以前議付 15.negoation must be on or before the 15th day of shipment 自裝船日起15天或之前議付 this credit shall remain in force until 15th august 197 in china 本證到1977年8月15日為止在中國有效
the credit is available for negotiation or payment abroad until本證在國外議付或付款的日期到…為止 documents to be presented to negotiation bank within 15 days after shipment 單據需在裝船后15天內交給議付行
draft(s)drawn under this credit must be negotiation in china on or before august 12, 1977 after which date this credit expires 憑本證項下開具的匯票要在1977年8月12日或該日以前在中國議付,該日以后本證失效
9.draft(s)drawn under this credit must be presented for negoatation in china on or before 30th august, 1977 根據本證項下開具的匯票須在1977年8月30日或該日前在中國交單議
6.bills of exchange must be negotiated within 15 days from the date of bills of lading but not later than august 8, 1977 匯票須在提單日起15天內議付,但不得遲于1977年8月8日 19.documents must be presented for negotiation within…days after the on board date of bill of lading/after the date of issuance of forwarding agents' cargo receipts 單據需在已裝船提單/運輸行簽發之貨物承運收據日期后……天內提示議付
we hereby engage with you that all drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored 我行保證及時對所有根據本信用證開具、并與其條款相符的匯票兌付 2.we undertake that drafts drawn and presented in conformity with the terms of this credit will be duly honoured 開具并交出的匯票,如與本證的條款相符,我行保證依時付款 3.we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona-fide holders of draft(s)drawn under and in compliance with the terms of the credit that such draft(s)shall be duly honoured on due presentation and delivery of documents as specified(if drawn and negotiated with in the validity date of this credit)凡根據本證開具與本證條款相符的匯票,并能按時提示和交出本證規定的單據,我行保證對出票人、背書人和善意持有人承擔付款責任(須在本證有效期內開具匯票并議付)
4.provided such drafts are drawn and presented in accordance with the terms of this credit, we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsors and bona-fide holders that the said drafts shall be duly honoured on presentation 凡根據本證的條款開具并提示匯票,我們擔保對其出票人、背書人和善意持有人在交單時承兌付款
5.we hereby undertake to honour all drafts drawn in accordance with the terms of this credit 所有按照本條款開具的匯票,我行保證兌付
1.instruction to the negotiation bank 議付行注意事項
(1)the amount and date of negotiation of each draft must be endorsed on reverse hereof by the negotiation bank 每份匯票的議付金額和日期必須由議付行在本證背面簽注
(2)this copy of credit is for your own file, please deliver the attached original to the beneficaries 本證副本供你行存檔,請將隨附之正本遞交給受益人
(3)without you confirmation thereon(本證)無需你行保兌
(4)documents must be sent by consecutive airmails 單據須分別由連續航次郵寄(注:即不要將兩套或數套單據同一航次寄出)
(5)all original documents are to be forwarded to us by air mail and duplicate documents by
sea-mail 全部單據的正本須用航郵,副本用平郵寄交我行
(6)please despatch the first set of documents including three copies of commercial invoices direct to us by registered airmail and the second set by following airmail 請將包括3份商業發票在內的第一套單據用掛號航郵經寄我行,第二套單據在下一次航郵寄出
original documents must be snet by registered airmail, and duplicate by subsequent airmail 單據的正本須用掛號航郵寄送,副本在下一班航郵寄送
(送8)documents must by sent by successive(or succeeding)airmails 單據要由連續航郵寄
(9)all documents made out in english must be sent to out bank in one lot 用英文繕制的所有單據須一次寄交我行
2.method of reimbursement 索償辦法
(1)in reimbursement, we shall authorize your beijing bank of china head office to debit our head office rmb yuan account with them, upon receipt of relative documents 償付辦法,我行收到有關單據后,將授權你北京總行借記我總行在該行開立的人民幣帳戶
(2)in reimbursement draw your own sight drafts in sterling on…bank and forward them to our london office, accompanied by your certificate that all terms of this letter of credit have been complied with 償付辦法,由你行開出英鎊即期匯票向……銀行支取。在寄送匯票給我倫敦辦事處時,應隨附你行的證明,聲明本證的全部條款已經履行
(3)available by your draft at sight payable by us in london on the basis to sight draft on new york 憑你行開具之即期匯票向我行在倫敦的機構索回票款,票款在紐約即期兌付
(4)in reimbursement, please claim from our rmb¥ account held with your banking department bank of china head office beijing with the amount of your negotiation 償付辦法,請在北京總行我人民幣帳戶中索回你行議付之款項
(5)upon presentation of the documents to us, we shall authorize your head office backing department by airmail to debit the proceeds to our foreign business department account 一俟向我行提交單證,我行將用航郵授權你總行借記我行國外營業部帳戶
(6)after negotiation, you may reimburse yourselves by debiting our rmb¥ account with you, please forward all relative documents in one lot to us by airmail 議付后請借記我行在你行開立的人民幣帳戶,并將全部有關單據用航郵一次寄給我行
(7)all bank charges outside for our principals account, but must claimed at the time of presentation of documents 在英國境外發生的所有銀行費用,應由開證人負擔,但須在提交單據是索取 8)negotiating bank may claim reimbursement by the…bank certifying that the credit terms have been complied with 議付行須證明本證條款已旅行,并按電匯條款向……銀行索回貨款 9)negotiating bank are authorized to reimburse themselves to amount of their negotiation by redrawing by airmail at sight on…bank attaching to the reimbursement draft their certificate stating that all terms of the credit have been complied with and that the original and duplicate drafts and documents have been forwarded to us by consecutive airmail 議付行用航郵向…銀行重開一份即期匯票索取議付條款。索償匯票須附上證明,聲明本證所有條款已履行,單據的正副本已由連續航次寄交我行。
2.普惠制是發達國家給予發展中國家出口制成品和半制成品(包括某些初級產品)普遍的、非歧視的、非互惠的一種關稅優惠制度。普惠制原產地證(簡稱form a 證書)是受惠國貨物出口到給惠國時享受普惠制關稅優惠待遇的官方憑證。
中國-東盟自由貿易區:自2004年1月1日起簽發起,降稅計劃涉及7000多個產品,到2010年1月1日大部分產品零關稅。以到泰國的商品為例,我區出口量較大的小家電及木家具最惠國稅率為20%,憑借form e原產地證書,關稅逐年遞減,直到2010年享受零關稅。
中國—新加坡自由貿易區:自 2009年1月1日起簽發,目前對來自中國除啤酒等個別產品外實行零關稅。
* a certificate of origin under china-chile free trade agreement shall be valid for one year from the date of issue in the exporting country.4overleaf instruction
box 1:
state the full legal name, address(including country)of the 2:state the full legal name, address(including country)of the more than one producer’s good is included in the certificate, list the additional producers, including name, address(including country).if the exporter or the producer wishes the information to be confidential, it is acceptable to state “available to the competent governmental authority upon request”.if the producer and the exporter are the same, please complete field with “same”.if the producer is unknown, it is acceptable to state “unknown”.box 3:state the full legal name, address(including country)of the 4:complete the means of transport and route and specify the departure date, transport vehicle no., port of loading and 5:the customs authorities of the importing country must indicate(√)in the relevant boxes whether or not preferential tariff treatment is 6:customer’s order number, letter of credit number, and be included if the invoice is issued by a non-party operator, the name, address of the producer in the originating party shall be stated 7:
state the item number, and item number should not exceed 8:state the shipping marks and numbers on the 9:number and kind of package shall be e a full description of each description should be sufficiently detailed to enable the products to be identified by the customs officers examining them and relate it to the invoice description and to the hs description of the goods are not packed, state “in bulk”.when the description of the goods is finished, add “***”(three stars)or “ ”(finishing slash).box 10:for each good described in box 9, identify the hs tariff classification to six 11:if the goods qualify under the rules of origin, the exporter must indicate in box 11 of this form the origin criteria on the basis of which he claims that his goods qualify for preferential tariff treatment, in the manner shown in the following table:
box 12: which would indicate exact quantities may be used when 13:invoice number, date of invoices and invoiced value should be shown 14:the field must be completed, signed and dated by the the place, date of 15:the field must be completed, signed, dated and stamped by the authorized person of the certifying telephone number, fax and address of the certifying authority shall be given.*
個以上生產商的商品,應該列出其他生產商的詳細名稱、地址(包括國家)。如果出口商或生產商希望對信息予以保密,可以填寫“應要求提供給簽證機構(available to competent governmental authorityupon request)”。如果生產商和出口商相同,應填寫“相同(same)”。如果不知道生產商,可填寫“不知道(unknown)”。